Valerie Brooks – Wilshire Law Firm Lawsuits

This profile for the Wilshire Law Firm is one in a series of seven for my breakdown of the law firms who most commonly file web accessibility lawsuits.  In each profile, I summarize common and/or repetitive elements found in multiple lawsuits.

Plaintiff(s): Valerie Brooks
Plaintiff’s lawyer: Thiago M. Coelho, Wilshire Law Firm

Lawsuit venue: United States District Court for the Eastern District of California

Legal claim: Because of the inaccessibility of the Defendant’s website, blind and visually-impaired users cannot fully and equally use or enjoy the facilities and services Defendant offers to the public on its website. (violation of the ADA)

Federal Law: Title III of the ADA, 42 U.S.C. § 12181, et seq.
State Law: Unruh Civil Rights Act, California Civil Code § 51 Et Seq.

Specific claims (summary): lack of alt text, empty links, redundant links, linked images missing alt-text


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