This profile for the Roderick V. Hannah, Esq., P.A. is one in a series of seven for my breakdown of the law firms who most commonly file web accessibility lawsuits. In each profile, I summarize common and/or repetitive elements found in multiple lawsuits.
Plaintiff(s): Victor Ariza
Plaintiff’s lawyer: Roderick V. Hannah, Esq., P.A., Law Office of Pelayo Duran, P.A.
Lawsuit venue: United States District Court Southern District of Florida
Legal claim: Defendant’s website does not provide full and equal access and enjoyment under the ADA. Defendant has committed trespass against the Plaintiff because defendant’s website gathers information from Plaintiff without consent.
Federal Law: Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §§12181-12189 (“ADA”), as amended, and 28 C.F.R. Part 36
Specific claims (summary): pop up not labeled, search button mislabeled
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