Are you looking for a service that creates editable document templates that are accessible and highly likely ADA and Section 508 compliant?
Whether you need Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, Excel, or Powerpoint templates,, can create customized layouts prefilled with placeholder text so you can easily edit them and produce accessible documents.
All documents will be properly tagged and structured and meet WCAG 2.0 document standards for accessibility and minimum standards as set by WCAG. PDFs will also meet the PDF/UA standards.
With PDFs, there is a two step process in terms of accessibility as a source document such as Microsoft Word must be created first and then converted into a PDF. I will provide instructions on this but the solution will be easy on your end.
PDF remediation is also available. However, remediation requests may be limited due to very high page counts.
How does the process work?
Contact me at with a description of what you need along with any current sample documents or layouts that you have.
I will provide a price quote on the cost.
This service is perfect for universities and local, state, and federal governments who need to create a reliable set of editable accessible documents that they can use over and over again.
California, New York, and Florida are hotbeds for ADA Web Compliance lawsuits and one of the common complaints cited by plaintiff’s lawyers are inaccessible documents.
Email me at