Ariza v. Carmen Sol FL, LLC

This post marks the fourth post in a 5-part series where I look at websites being sued despite the use of an accessibility overlay.  For more background on this series, refer to the Walters v. Venum case.

Walters v. Venum Training World, Inc., Case 6:20-cv-00324 in the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York

Williams v. VaporDNA, Case 1:20-cv-02294-JGK in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York

Fredericka Nellon v. Agri Beef Co., Case 1:20-cv-10595-RGS in the United States District Court for Massachusetts

Ariza v. Carmen Sol FL, LLC, Case 1:20-cv-21262-KMW in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida

Cruz v. Rockwell Time, Inc., Case 1:20-cv-01902-LJL in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York


Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §§12181-12189


Overlay has the AccessiBe widget on the lower left hand side of its website.  It did take several seconds for the AccessiBe icon to load on my browser.

Here’s a screenshot of with the AccessiBe toolbar menu open from July 24, 2020:

Carmensol homepage with AccessiBe toolbar menu open

The last screenshot from I see is from 2019 which doesn’t show AccessiBe. There is an accessibility policy from AccessiBe but I did not see that page in


  • Site function like menu drop-down options not labled to intergrate with the screen reader
  • Slider not labled [sic] to integrate with the screen reader
  • Mislabeled image links
  • Site function like quantity option not labled to intergrate with the screen reader

Plaintiff’s Lawyers

Roderick V. Hannah

Law Office of Pelayo Duran, P.A.

